Tuesday 25 November 2008

City as a landscape

Possibility of collaborating with another MA student on an interactive art project. Will see how it pans out, but in the meantime I am still reading tons, filling up my sketchbook and looking at lots of stuff on the internet.
I found a link to the current Experimental Design exhibition in Amsterdam.
Their own take on the exhibition is this:

'For the first time in history the earth’s population is more urban than rural. This means that for most people on this planet, the city has become their natural habitat. When in this context we speak of growth and blossom, terrain and flow, or use other natural metaphors, we speak in fact of engineering, architecture and design. We talk about the city as a landscape, that we have created ourselves and continue to shape.'

I just thinks it sounds right up 'my street'. The Sunday Adventure Club also features Troika's sms guerilla projector.
I think the main thing in my project follows the same ideas and concepts - the freedom to view your 'image' and place within your city, town, village, room, however you feel without thinking of the constant external persona. I think it will mean that each individual takes a personal journey, and then creates a visual to allow for others to 'see' them as an individual.

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